Saturday, May 2, 2015

Docker: Hop on now or get passed by

So right now I'm actually working full time with docker as a consultant. The IT-division that I'm a part of has a plan to containerize their services and I'm the only one (in that division that's actually doing anything with Docker).

And I can say right now that NOW is the time to jump on to Docker and try it out, because soon many (not every one) will use it!


I'm not pulling this prediction out of empty air. First of all, Docker makes scalability easier (not easy, but easier).
Docker-Machine can spin up a new Cloud-instance with Docker installed on many popular cloud vendors (Azure, Amazon, Digital Ocean, Google and more).

Docker-Compose can spin up a whole stack of Containers based on a config file (written in YAML).

Docker-Swarm can connect the Docker-machines in a cluster and soon it will seem as the whole cluster is one big host. They are getting there but Swarm is just 0.2-beta.

Windows is coming 

This is the client so you still need a Linux Host to connect to, but you can actually control Docker from native Windows now.

Microsoft (with is creating Hyper-V Containers and Windows Server Container to be side by side with Linux Containers through Docker.

They also have created a Docker Image (Linux-container) with ASP.NET 5 preview ( and the move to "open source" parts of the .NET-platform means that some Windows-apps will be able to run in Docker Linux Containers.

Microsoft have also created a editor for cross-platform editing, Visual Studio Code

These pieces means you can code and run C# and Windows Apps from Linux/OSX and use them with Dockers scalability and isolation.


And all this is happening right now!
So download Docker, try it, tinker with it and be ready for the ever developing world of IT.