Friday, May 9, 2014

Java EE, Maven and Gradle

So I've been looking a bit at Maven and Gradle.
Gradle is an awesome build tool that have support for the dependencies from maven repositories.

But I have a weak moment, I like the automated stuff in IDEs. And the Gradle-support for Netbeans is not perfect. You can create and open projects, but for a Java EE project, you lose some of the support.

An example is JSF. When you create a normal Web Application in Netbeans, you get automatic support for all the Web technologies it supports. But with Gradle i have to do everything manually.

This is both a good and a bad thing, the good part is to actually learn all the components that are involved, the bad is that it takes time from the coding and frustration while finding the right solution.

Maven, the old and wise, have a different problem. It's problem is that it needs the dependencies declared and downloaded (by maven) while coding.

When you code Java EE against a server, you have the libraries IN the server, the server plugins usually solves this so you don't need to worry about the libraries. They will be provided.
If your using third party libraries, you might need maven? You usually either set the libraries as modules on the server or deploy them separately example Database drivers (JDBC connectors) .

In maven you tell the dependencies to be provided, but you still need them downloaded while coding.
And then comes the kicker, the libraries that the server has, are some times more up to date then those from the maven central repositories!

Even from the same company as the server!

So I'm coding for the Wildfly 8.0 Final, and javax.mail-library isn't in the dependency jboss-javaee-spec. So I had to find it manually and hope that the different version work (1.4.5 in maven, 1.5.1 in wildfly).

So for setting up and starting to code, it's much faster with a IDE and Server-plugin then using Maven.
Maven gives you more structure for different testing and lets face it, many third party libraries are easier to setup via maven. And to automatically do unit-testing in the build face is a plus.

So I wish that Gradle would be better with Netbeans and I will use Maven for my projects.

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