Sunday, September 14, 2014

Early Spring

I'm almost done with my first real Java EE project (JSF, JPA, Wildfly) and its currently running on a raspberry pi.

My next project will be learning the Spring Framework.
I will also try to do some post about how to start with Spring.

Initial impression:

My first impression of Spring is that its a well made framework that fills every part of your development (specific test-suite and more). The different modules of the framework really gives you a good feeling of security for functions.

But there is a big step for a newbie to just jump into Spring!

First problem: Overview
What does what and how "do they want you to code". With pure Java EE you can do as you want,
but in Spring there is a certain way "they" want you to code. I'm not saying it's bad. But there is a problem of learning it.

Second problem: Too big tutorials
Many of the tutorials start to big with 20+ ready to use classes. And the tutorial uses these classes. This makes you feel like you jump into the middle of things and not understand the whole process.

Third problem: Spring Boot
Lovely little thing that really can kickstart your project, but it doesn't help you in understanding much.

Fourth problem: Name usage
Some of the names conflicts with pure Java EE7 names. A Spring Bean is configured differently then a regular Bean that can be Dependency Injected.
Dependency Injection in Spring is different then Pure Java EE7. EE7 has @Inject while Spring uses @Autowired that usally is a Interface that a config-class or a xml has mapped to a implementation class.

So that's some of the hurdles a rookie will deal with.

On of the links I've found useful (haven't had time to read to much yet) is:

This site ACTUALLY explains the core concepts.

So when I have some more information about the core concepts that are essential I will make a post about it.

Happy Coding!

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